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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Im going to start making my own bath products

I'm tired of my favorite scent getting discontinued, not to mention the prices they cost. Plus my husband is tired of spending forever on the beauty product isle while I try to find a scent that doesn't annoy me. I think Im starting with some lip balm cause Im an addict and I read that the over the counter ones actually make your lips worse.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update on the Cat Books

So after some thought and frustration, I have decided to put the next book on Create Space. The prices are competitive with where Im at now and there is no $100 plus fee to set up things. Granted I make more there but my credit card is to close to max to use it. It gives me the freedom to publish at will, lol. I have too many ISBNs on hold. hehe.

Also it wont cost me 40 bucks to correct a period.

So now just to get things together and get the book out.


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