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Monday, January 26, 2009

Affiliate Program Coming Soon

Im working on getting an affiliate program for my books so everyone can make money off my books.

I see it as a win win situation for everyone. I get some free PR and you get some free money. I am trying to find a program that can handle both a hard copy and an electronic copy of the book.

As soon as I do, I will post and let you all know.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I just put my book on Ebay.

Click Here to buy it.


Last Call for Submissions

This is the absolute last call for submissions for "Bald Spots Make Me Look Sexy: Humorous and Uplifting Stories About Cats"

If you have any funny stories, pictures or art, poetry, short stories, etc. Please send them to contact@baldspotsmakemelooksexy.

All contributors will receive full credit, a free copy, and free promotion both in the back of the book under contributors, on the website, and then eventually on my blog.

There will also be a charity list in the book. Each submission in the book will have a credit and charity notice.

Example: Mine would read

my name / website
My charity / their website

Portions of this book are also going to charity.

You can send multiple submissions and multiple categories.

You can also use that email to contact me for more info.

Please respond, no later than Jan 30th.



Friday, January 9, 2009

Twilight Fans Can Relax: Jacob is NOT Being Recast

This is an email I got about Twilight. Thought I would share for those fans out there that care. You probably are registered too, but just in case.


Dear Twilight Fans,

I'm very happy to announce that Taylor Lautner will be playing Jacob Black in NEW MOON, and that he's doing so with the enthusiastic support of Summit Entertainment, the producers, and Stephenie Meyer.

The characters in Stephenie's books go through extraordinary changes of circumstance and also appearance; so it is not surprising that there has been speculation about whether the same actor would portray a character who changes in so many surprising ways throughout the series.

But it was my first instinct that Taylor was, is, and should be Jacob, and that the books would be best served by the actor who is emotionally right for the part.

I think that fans of TWILIGHT, the book and the movie, will be surprised by the Jacob Black that Taylor will bring to the screen in NEW MOON; and I'm looking forward to working with him and the rest of the cast in realizing the film.

Very Best,

Chris Weitz

You received this email because you registered at


Monday, January 5, 2009

I updated my websites.

I updated my website layouts. I think they look more professional now. Please check them out and let me know what you think.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

So Im trying a traffic experiment

In an attempt to actually get readers to this blog, Im trying out this traffic exchange system. Its seems to be more legit than others. The point is to actually get traffic and not money so we will see how this goes.

I made a full post about it on my money review site here.


Friday, January 2, 2009

This was just too funny - my rant for the day

I just found this so ironic and amusing

I'm putting together a blog for making money online. I am really testing out stuff for real people that doesn't involve having to refer people, paying money, and doesn't take 10 years to get there. I have been into this idea for a while trying to find something to do at home since real work is sorta hard for me with my condition.

Thats the link if you want to check out where Im going or follow it.

Anyway................ I clicked on a link that made itself sound like what I was doing. Real legit things. So I went to his site, which had an auto load recording of him telling you all about how he "really" wants to help you.

***That is huge tip off that its a scam by the way. Its the internet version of high pressure salesman.

So.......... I listened while I opened up other pages in his site in a separate tab so I could hear what he had to say. His stick to get your email is a 7 day course telling you how to spot a scam.

Well while describing his course he mentions how scams all put flashy cars and places in their ads and how its just to make you want to give them forty or fifty bucks to find out that you are selling that same stick to someone else to make money.

This part I fully agree with. That is all true. Thats not the funny/ironic part.

He then tells you to check out the people on his site cause they are all legit and worth it. We should all just "Trust Him" that he really tested them out.

Here's the funny part.

The number one top offer on his list, the guy has flashy cars, places, and testimonials just as he just said to not fall for. I just started laughing.

He is such a load of liar as far as his recomendations. He is playing an angle of trying to make you think he is honest and really cares just so he can talk you into buying something that he gets a cut of which is still going to be a rip off.

Anyway............. thats just my rant for the day. At least that one made me laugh. hehe.


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